Employment Agreement

This agreement is entered and made between Budget Inn management ( from here on referred to as 'Employer') and
(from here on referred to as 'Employee')
By typing my initials at the end of this form, I accept the job offer given on
By typing my initials at the end of this form, I am also agreeing to the following terms and conditions:
3) I can am legally authorized to work in the United States and/or have a permit to work in the United States
4) I understand that there is a ninety (90) day probation period. At any time during this period, the employer has the right to terminate my employment for any reason.
5) Possesion of weapons of any kind are not allowed anywhere on the property
6) Possession of any kind of recreational or prescription drugs not prescribed to you are not allowed anywhere on the property
7) Possession of alcohol is not allowed anywhere on property and I will not show up for work while under the influence of alcohol
8) My Employer has the right to check my vehicle, work area, or personal belogings at any time while on the property
9) Employer has the right to adjust my working schedule, number of hours, and which location to work at any given time
10) I agree to use the time keeping systems put in place by Employer. This includes a physical time card and/or an online time clock
By typing my initials here I authorize Budget Inn management to deduct from my paycheck for A) Any shortage from my till during my shift & B) Any lose of money, for any reason, that results by not following company regulations of making drops to safe when sales are over $100
By typing my initials here I agree to start my day betwoen 8-9AM and end my day between 5-6PM. Also if an emergency arrives, it is expected I might need to take care of it quickly
By typing my initials here I authorize Budget Inn management to deduct my rent from my check if I do not pay on time. I also agree to follow all posted rules and regulations of the property. I also agree should my employment end, I will need to re-register as a guest or find another place to stay.
By typing my initials here I agree to be held to all the terms and conditions above.

Budget Inn and/or Austin Motor Inn Employment Agreement

You will receive a copy of this agreement to this email address.
Enter Your Initial Here
Enter Your Initial Here
Enter Your Initial Here or Type Your Job Position Here if You are not a front desk employee.
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Enter Your Initial Here
Enter Your Initial Here
Enter Your Initial Here
Enter Your Initial Here
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